19 July 2008


Hi there, it's been a while since I posted on my blog, as you've probably read it's not been a particularly nice time for our family recently. We lost my Great Uncle on my Dads side at the end of May, then we lost my Grandad middle of June which was an extremely sad time then on Thursday morning this week another Great Uncle on my mums side passed away. I can't believe it, I hope the deaths have stopped now, please stop taking all of the good ones away!!!

Well on a lighter note myself and my crafting buddies had a get together at Lou's last night, I didn't leave until midnight, got to bed at 1am and then the little one had me up at 8 o'clock which usually would be a lovely time, but today i prayed for an after 9 and it didn't happen!!!

So my crafty flair has returned, I'll post this mornings creation in a min!!!!

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