26 June 2008

In Memory of Frankie!

He Simply was 'The Best'
It's a very sad time for our family and also the rest of the village at the moment. We sadly lost my Grandad Frank on Monday night, it was very sudden and such a shock for everyone, my poor grandma is going to be lost without him, mind you I think a lot of people are. He was well known and also very well respected, he was everyone's best friend and will be sorely missed!!!

It all started when he fell on Tuesday last week, he was carrying some ladders round to his friend Dennis' to help him cut some branches from his tree when he slipped on the dewy lawn, the paramedics took him to hospital because they thought he'd cracked some ribs and punctured his lungs, but he hadn't he was fine just a bit bruised inside, in fact a lot bruised inside but it was such a relief that he was ok. He laid up for a week which was pain enough in itself for such a fit and active man, there was no way did he have the body of or act like a 71 year old.

He spent so much time looking after everyone, walking the family dogs and volunteering his time to the local football club Frickley Athletic, everyone else always came first with our Frankie.

Suddenly on Monday night after becoming a bit more active after his week of convalescing and everyone looking after him he took a turn for the worse, the coroner returned that it was a DVT that took such a wonderful mans life. The only consolation our family can take from this devastating event is that it happened quickly and he did not suffer, although I'm not sure at the moment which is worse, having someone taken from you like that or watching someone suffer.

Well I'll keep you posted on happenings and arrangements, I think it'll help me to talk about him here, if no one minds listening.

Will post again soon.

Linz xx

20 June 2008

I Got A Comment From Someone Other Than My Friends!! Woo Woo!!!

How cool, someone other than Lou and Carol has looked at my blog.

Thank you Karin for your comment, I do love the Magnolia's too and there are some gorgeous ones on your blog also.

Lindsey xx

16 June 2008

At Home Convalescing!!

Hi there, I'm ill.

Have caught a stomach bug from my little boy, it's been flitting around him and his friends and now it's decided to inhabit my body! I started to feel a bit rough yesterday (Sunday) it felt a bit like a hangover but I was sure I wasn't hungover, I went to bed feeling dodgy, had stomach cramps and generally felt unpleasant. Then suddenly at around 5 thirty this morning I realised it wasn't a hangover. That's probably all the detail you need to know!!!

So I've been convalescing at home, I've managed to take pictures of a few cards I made at the weekend, Louise challenged me to make 10 cards using my Magnolia stamps so here's no's 1-4.

Hopefully this bug will find another unwilling tummy soon and I'll be able to crack on with the rest.


The tales of the Williamson household!!!!