16 June 2008

At Home Convalescing!!

Hi there, I'm ill.

Have caught a stomach bug from my little boy, it's been flitting around him and his friends and now it's decided to inhabit my body! I started to feel a bit rough yesterday (Sunday) it felt a bit like a hangover but I was sure I wasn't hungover, I went to bed feeling dodgy, had stomach cramps and generally felt unpleasant. Then suddenly at around 5 thirty this morning I realised it wasn't a hangover. That's probably all the detail you need to know!!!

So I've been convalescing at home, I've managed to take pictures of a few cards I made at the weekend, Louise challenged me to make 10 cards using my Magnolia stamps so here's no's 1-4.

Hopefully this bug will find another unwilling tummy soon and I'll be able to crack on with the rest.



Louise said...

witwoo!These are gorgeous! There is a positive side to having a tummy bug then!WEll done Linz they are beautiful. Ready for your next challenge?
Lou x

lindsey williamson said...

Am ready!!!!

Karin said...

what a very cute cards. I love the Tilda's.
Great job. I hope you're feeling better now. Being sick is no fun.

xoxo karin

The tales of the Williamson household!!!!