27 April 2008

This Weekend!

Louise planted this seed in my head last week after she made one using her Magnolia collection. It's a challenge from the SplitCoast website. I thought I'd make one using Pick a Petal stamp set which is great. I made a smaller box than Lou's and made 4 cards to go in it!


Louise said...

Woa! look at you go! They're gorgeous Linz.

Louise said...

Ok then! You've no excuse! By the time I come back from my hols you have got to make 10 items. " at least must be a 3D item eg a box, bag etc. I thought about you having to make something with every stamp set, but I'll let you off with that one!!!
Happy crafting
Lou x

Cazamataz said...

Linz these are gorgeous.I am inspired and want to create them...you know card making scares me! but I saw these on Saturday and you've started me off with the petals so I'll have something to put in the box we create on the 22nd.... life allowing! Hope your crisis period is over and repairs are in progress..Caz

The tales of the Williamson household!!!!